welcome to our blog, note that all images are copyright of Marcus Foley & Dore Stockhausen.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Organic Geometry

We'd like to extend an invitation to everyone for Marcus' exhibition "Organic geometry", a new collection of contemporary rings at oneofftwo. The opening is on Easter Sunday afternoon from 2.30. Come along and enjoy a drink or two.
We're really pleased that Linus and Liam, two terrific jazz musicians will be there to bang out some great tunes.
The show will continue through April, closing on the 29th - if you can't make the opening we'd still love to see you.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Enameling Classes

Hello everyone,

with the days getting a bit colder I thought it might be a nice idea to fire up the kiln and run a weekly enameling/jewellery workshop. We'll offer two classes both on Tuesdays - one in the morning 9.30 to 12.30 and an evening class 6.00 to 9.00 and each running for 10 weeks.

Up to 5 participants in each of the classes will be shown the formative skills of enameling and gold and silversmithing with the goal of producing individually designed simple pieces of jewellery. Novices are welcome. For those participants with more experience there will be the opportunity to produce more complex work.
Please email us on mail@oneofftwo.com.au for further information.
Hope you can make it.